The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

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Classification: Freighter
Powerplant: Intimidator (size 5)
Engines: Vector x 2 (size 6 x 2)
Radar: Nubbler (50000 meter range) (size 4)
Shield: Guardian (99700mm equivalent) (size 6)
Armor: 187500mm
Capacitor: Pint for Hitmen, Deepol for Nova Mk1, Seed for Peelers (size 3)
Energy Config: Nova Mk1 x 2
Ammo Config: Hitman x 2, Peeler x 2
Missiles (# x size): 2x6
MODx: 7
ECM: 3
Speed (nor/ab/ff): 382/436/755 MPS
Acceleration: 27.7 (plasma), 27.6 (railgun), 27.8 (mortar) kN/kg
Yaw/Pitch/Roll: 17/17/25 DPS
Cargo: 735 unit
Notes: Since the Freighter designs were constructed with TRI consultation (like the Cargo Tows), it is
little surprise that the vessels resemble one another so greatly. However, once again the
Octavian design comes out slightly ahead. The Chinook is a dual-engine design, meaning it
cannot be as free and loose with the afterburn as the Roc can. It possesses the same
weaponry... but again, it lacks 7500mm of defense that the Roc has. This means that the 6th nuke
that the Roc could barely withstand would be enough to destroy the Chinook outright. The
tradeoffs for slight speed and maneuver gains do not seem particularly prudent, and the vessel
actually accelerates slower than the Roc, while carrying slightly less cargo to boot due to its hull
design. For all that, it is still a Freighter and it can still move about more cargo than anything in
the Holy Armada, and is quite likely to be defended in wartime. And despite the slight deficit in
defense, they are by no means easy ships to bring down.
