The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

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Classification: Freighter
Powerplant: Intimidator (size 5)
Engines: Vector x 2 (size 6 x 2)
Radar: Nubbler (50000 meter range) (size 4)
Shield: Guardian (99700mm equivalent) (size 6)
Armor: 1800000mm
Capacitor: Pint for Hitmen, Deepol for Nova Mk1, Seed for Peelers (size 3)
Energy Config: Nova Mk1 x 2
Ammo Config: Hitman x 2, Peeler x 2
Missiles (# x size): 2x6
MODx: 7
ECM: 3
Speed (nor/ab/ff): 374/427/739 MPS
Acceleration: 27.2 (plasma), 27.1 (railgun), 27.3 (mortar) kN/kg
Yaw/Pitch/Roll: 15/15/25 DPS
Cargo: 750m³
Notes: It may be somewhat underarmored compared to its Octavian and Quantar counterparts, and it
may not accelerate as well as them...but nothing, nothing in the five systems that hauls as much
raw cargo tonnage as the Viceroy. It is the last word in getting large cargos to and from Solrain. It
absolutely requires an escort, but such runs can be very lucrative for both the cargo pilot and the
escorts, with how much cargo the Viceroy can hold.

Like most heavy cargo vessels, we do include a plasma loadout here because some cargo pilots
absolutely swear by them, especially for hostiles vectoring in directly on the ship. Plasma is so
energy intensive, however, that it normally isn't practical for use on combat fighters except
perhaps when facing nothing but Conflux drones.
