The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

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Table Of Contents

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/sq claim : Issuing the /sq claim command in a sector will transfer the claim to your
squad if the sector is unclaimed, or if no members of the claiming squad are present
to defend their claim. If members of the claiming squad are present, all TRI
regulations on combat between members of your squads are rescinded within the
disputed sector only.
/students : A Mentor may tutor up to 10 students at a time. Mentors may check their
student roster by typing /students.

/tags : displays your current registration (HG or civ) in chat window
/time : displays how long you have until your pilot account expires(PayPal
subscribers only)

/unpublish : removes your station from the JOSSH POS inventory list

/unignore <pilot name>: removes callsign from the file ignore.txt in your Jumpgate
install directory, and negates /ignore
/voice <pilot name> : removes callsign from the file ignore.txt in your Jumpgate
install directory, and negates /ignore

/wing <pilot name> : This pilot will be informed that you have requested to become
their wingman. The second pilot must then type the same command, /wing name,
but with the initiating pilot's name

/wingoff : To leave a wing, type /wingoff. A wing is also broken if either pilot
