The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

Page: 194/218

Table Of Contents

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/kick <pilot name> : will remove you from a POS in the event of being stuck for
having too much cargo

/list : displays a list of the standard comm channels

/mentor <pilot name> : This will send the pilot an invitation to become your student.
(Both parties must be docked at a station for this invitation to be sent.) Once a pilot
has been awarded Mentor status, they will begin to receive messages from TRI each
time new pilots log in. Mentors will also receive a message every time one of their
students logs in to the Jumpgate universe.

/mentor off :To leave your Mentor, type /mentoroff.

/mentor off <pilot name> : removes student from your roster

/mission : displays your current mission

/noprice : The /noprice command is used to cancel an existing custom price for a
specific type of goods. "/noprice FlashFire" would nullify any custom price previously
set for FlashFires, causing the market to again use the TRI base price.

/publish : The /publish command toggles whether the characteristics of your POS are
displayed in the external JOSSH interface. Stations set to "Invite Only" mode will not
be displayed on JOSSH regardless of the /publish setting.

/q : quickly logs out and exits the program (will count as death if in combat)

/quit : quickly logs out and exits the program (will count as death if in combat)

/reg : displays your current registration (HG or civ) in chat window

/registry : displays your current registration (HG or civ) in chat window

/rotacol x y z : sets one rotacol waypoint per sector (x y z=co-ordinates you wish to

/ rotacoloff : erases rotacol waypoint currently set in that sector

/sec : displays which sector you are located in the chat window

/sector : displays which sector you are located in the chat window

/set price : By default, a POS market uses TRI base prices for all commodities and
equipment. The owner may set custom prices for up to twenty types of goods using
the /setprice command. To set the price for Matter Converters at the station to
c800000, the owner would enter /setprice Matter Converters 800000. Be certain to
enter the name correctly, though the command is not case-sensitive. An
acknowledgement message will display when the command is used correctly.

/shipname <name-up to 11 characters> : sets the name of a ship you put into
storage in a POS hangar; displayed only in the Ship Configuration screen when
selecting a ship to switch into
