The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

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Table Of Contents

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Chapter C-1

/ai : spawns one c1 conflux in offline sim only

/assist: will page a GM or EP for help

/assistoff :cancels help request to a GM

/away <message> : ignore incoming f4 messages with an auto reply

/away : turns off your away message

/bcu : displays if you have a bcu equiped or not in the chat window
/bounty : displays your maximum possible bounty in chat window

/build : To construct a station, execute the command /build with a BuildKit in your
ship's cargo hold. If you have more than oneBuildKit in your hold, one of them will
activate at random. A new station owner automatically finds himself docked at his
POS when the construction process completes. Smaller stations may also be
upgraded by activation of larger-type BuildKits from within the POS itself. For
example, the owner of a 2-point station may dock at his station with a BuildKit-4 in
his ship's cargo hold. Using /build in this situation will upgrade the POS from a 2-
point to a 4-point station, adding room for two more expansion modules.

/cargo : displays your current cargo in chat window

/credits : displays your current credits in chat window

/dockoff : turns off docking modx

/exp : displays your current experience points in chat window

/give x : will give credits to another pilot while in flight (pilot must be targeted), (x=
number of credits)

/gms :displays a list of GMs currently online

/hear <pilot name>: removes callsign from the file ignore.txt in your Jumpgate
install directory, and negates /ignore

/help : displays /commands (not complete)

/home : enables a pilot to "home" at an unreg station or POS

/ignore <pilot name> : adss callsign to the file ignore.txt in your Jumpgate install
directory, and you'll no longer receive text messages from them
