The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

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Table Of Contents

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1. The Universe
1.1. What do Octavians and Quantar look like under the armor?

Octavians, Quantar, Solrains and Hyperials look the same as you and me. Most
everyone in the galaxy agrees on that all sentient beings originated on a single
planet. Every world has a story of itīs founding. Sadly, most of the details of the
original home were lost centuries ago during the collapse, but genetic, linguistic,
anthropological, and botanical studies all prove that there a "home world" that all
life descended from. With the exception of the conflux, there has never been any
evidence of xenoforms discovered.

1.2. Who built the jumpgates? How long have they been in operation?

The TRI did. Jump technology is post-collapse. Although it seems possible that
there was some pre-collapse method of faster than light travel, nobody knows if it
actually existed. The first jump gates were built around 20 of our years ago. It
wasnīt until recent years that the TRI began recruiting a large corp of pilots.

The first pilot squad the TRI sanctioned were known as the "Thrice Seven".
Those 21 pilots oversaw the construction of the initial gates, opened the trade
routes between the planets, and made possible for future pilots to travel between
the stars. The Thrice Seven eventually went on long range explorations between
the jump gates. If you wish to find them, start at a jump gate at the end of known
space and travel in a straight line for 8 or 10 years.

1.3. Whatīs life like planetside in the TRI universe?

Describe life on the planet Earth, in one paragraph. On Earth some people live in
palatial homes made of advancaded materials. They spend their lives hooked
into a a planetary network of information. In other places on Earth people live in
caves, and hunt as their ancestors do. Unlike in some sci-fi shows, life on a
planet is never monolithic in itīs lifestyle or living conditions. In other words, your
question is a little too vauge. ;)

1.4. How come nothing in JG orbits something else?? Where are our stars?

What you see in your screen is what your ship displays. Your shipīs computer is
a semi-sentient AI that sorts important and non important information. Non-
essential plaentary bodies are left off of your display, and the navigational
computer represents space that can be flown through. When you think you are
flying a straight course, you may actually be flying an eliptical path around a sun
and not even realize it.