The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

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Old ND archived thread on mining & another on medals
PlanetNetDevil has just put up a very nice, though highly spindoctored guide to mining. (see
that here; my critique of that guide is here)

Where are roids?: There are moderate concentrations of EVERY roid type in EVERY sector.
(including station sectors; exceptions are the neutral station sectors)

Most newbies understand that nearer the pulsar sector you get the easier it is to find the rare
roids - BUT, that doesn't mean that sectors closer to stations aren't barren of rare roids...As i
once assumed. And i'm sure everyone else thought some sectors were barren.

Looking for roids: The one tool not mentioned so far that's perfect for exploration is the
HallMonitor solrain radar. This puppy has a 10k range setting that's just perfect for figuring
out which roids are within ZOOM range. (zoom range being 10k)

Roid recognition: The hardest trick is learning to tell the asteroids apart. When i was a
newbie, i routinely mistook Precious metal for Ice and visa-versa. I also mistook Semifluxor
with precious as well...Of course, radioactive roids were the easiest to The
best advice i can give for ID'ing ice, precious & fluxor is to think of "Brightness". (ice roids can
be spotted from 10k distance without using Zoom; precious are less bright, and semifluxor are
scarily dark)
1. Radiactive Ore (c6000-6400**)
uranium, cesium, plutonium and radium.

2. SemiFluxor Ore (c5000-5400**)
erbium, gallium, indium, silicon, and germanium.

3. Precious Ore (c3500-c3800**)
gold, platinum, silver, and palladium.