The Unofficial Jumpgate Manual

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Table Of Contents

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Basic Jumpgate Economy Theory

1. Introduction
This document is intended to give a basic introduction to trading and the
economy in JumpGate.
It aims to introduce newer pilots to the most basic concepts, and encourages
more experienced pilots to think beyond the obvious trading features in the
game. This guide does not cover more advanced strategies, piloting or ship
equipment, nor provide a robust mathematical analysis of 'the economy'. It does
not explicitly tell you 'how to do it', although it does include some examples.
It starts by examining price/profit based trading and cargo missions, then looks
further at demand, supply and production based trading. Boxed text indicates
an example or more detailed explanation of a concept. Like many aspects of
the game, trading and the economy are complex: far more complex than it may
at first seem. Consequently, nobody has a perfect understanding of the subject
- including the author.
Version 1.02, 1 October 2003. Updated information on Custom Producers and
2. Credits and Legal
This guide was written by Tim (timski) Howgego, copyright 2001-2003. Errors
and suggestions should be reported to tim (at) capsu (dot) org . Please put
"Jumpgate" somewhere in the email subject field. Contributors are noted with
the relevant text. Special thanks to baadf00d and Xindaan. This document is in
the public domain: You may copy and repost this guide, but the content of the
document, including the credits, must remain unchanged. Jumpgate copyright
(c) 1999-2003 NetDevil Ltd. Other trademarks and copyright are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
3. Markets and Stations
Every station has a public market screen. This screen lists items in the station's
public inventory, with quantities and prices. These items are available for
purchase by any pilot with the required rank, political rating and cash.
Items are divided into categories - the important split is between commodities
and ship equipment. Commodities are materials produced by stations which
cannot be equipped to ships.
Different stations have different volumes of different items available. Prices vary
between certain stations. Stations will always buy an item, but not always at a